
Let’s Talk About Poly

In every community across the U.S, there is a married Muslim man on the hunt for a second wife. Though it’s still a bit taboo to openly discuss, there are husbands that believe it is...

Where are the eligible Muslim bachelors?

If you’re a twenty-something or thirty-something Muslim woman I can bet you the most frequently asked question in your friend-circle is: why is it so hard to get married? It’s a question that young Muslims,...

Short Kings: Won’t you give him a chance?

There’s one characteristic that every woman looks for when she’s searching for her dream man. You might think it has something to do with a stable income, a good job, or a fat paycheck, but...

Five love languages in the Sunnah

The question "What is your love language?" is often asked when we want to deepen our understanding of someone and improve our ability to love them. The renowned book, "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary...

Navigating Halal “Dating”

To be clear, there is no such thing as dating in Islam, but in the Western world, approaching love and marriage in a halal manner can be difficult and confusing for many younger generations—especially reverts....

Seeking Marriage: Invoking Allah's Names

It looks like the issue of marriage has become one of the main concerns within Muslim community. Especially in this generation where the concept of marriage and weddings are heavily promoted on social media. This...

The Isms Project - A photo series documenting the Muslim Marriage Crisis from the perspective of Muslim Women

When I was little, I loved playing dress up with my sister. We wouldn’t just borrow my mother’s oversized jackets and high heels, but we would take scarves, blankets and tablecloths to create dramatic, make-shift...