Salaam VELA fam! August is almost ending and for some people, classes are in full swing. As a first year medical student, I can personally attest to the challenges in balancing time for family and school, and especially now that I adopted a kitten from a local animal shelter. However, I have learned some time management tips that have been working for me and am excited to share some advice from myself and my colleagues! The objective of this blog is to provide motivating advice and tips on time management especially when it comes to faith, family, and work/school.

Prioritize Prayer
Waking up for Fajr is difficult for many people, but we have to remember that this is one of the five obligatory prayers so we need to prioritize this prayer and begin our day after praying Fajr.
Tip: try to sleep earlier and have multiple alarms on your phone!
Praying at school/work
Another challenge that some people face is finding a safe area to perform their prayers. Many schools and workplaces offer a meditation room and this is a great area to pray in. If you are unable to find this at work or school, then the next best option is to find a vacant room and ask one of your colleagues or superiors if you can use that room to pray in! Lastly, if none of these options work, the next best area would be to pray in your car! With back to back meetings or lengthy lab classes, it can be difficult to find time to pray, but as Muslims we should always place faith as our top priority regardless of where we are!
Family Time
When I moved to another state and began living on my own for the first time as I began medical school, this was one of the most difficult moments for me because I was not able to see or interact with my family whenever I wanted to. Despite having a time difference, I was fortunately able to organize my schedule so I could call or even FaceTime my family a few times throughout the day.
Call your family AFTER you finish your work!
It can be difficult to meet a deadline or even study if you are on the phone with your family while you are working, so the best thing to do is to let them know what you are busy with and call them once you are free!
Inform your family about your schedule
Another important tip is to inform your family about your schedule whether it's with work or school, so that they can call you at a good time and won’t be worried or upset if you didn’t call them!
Remember to make time for your family
A few of my friends are parents and they shared some tips that work for them as they balance time between studying and spending time with their families. Before getting ready for work or school spend at least 30 mins- 1 hr BEFORE going to school/work, and spend at least 1 hr AFTER coming home from work or school! Same rule applies to those who own a pet! It’s important for you to show affection and dedicate time to your loved ones so that they feel valued! Keep a calendar!! It’s important to stay organized for your own activities and activities with your children, etc.
Plan your day the day or night before to avoid feeling overwhelmed!
This includes making a list of all deadlines, projects, any meetings, and coming to work/school prepared!
Find your work or study habits that work best for you!
Do you prefer to work independently? Or maybe you prefer to meet up with others when working on projects/assignments. Whatever style you prefer, remember to stay organized and hold yourself accountable for the time that you spend to ensure that you are able to meet your goals!
Keeping a planner or calendar
This may seem obvious but not everyone keeps a calendar and honestly if you currently don’t, maybe it’s time for you to start! Whether it’s an old-fashioned planner or a stylish Google calendar, make sure you list your tasks for the day so that you remember to stay on track and complete your assignments on time!
Remember to talk to a colleague or a supervisor if you are feeling overwhelmed or are facing some difficulty!
I think this is a resource that is often overlooked in both work and school. Many people forget that it’s ok to ask for advice or help if they feel swamped or if something unexpected has happened at home and it is affecting their ability to either study or complete an assignment and it is important for individuals to take advantage of this resource and understand that it is OK to ask for help!

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