Everyone meets the hijab, but not everyone knows the hijab. Whether you learned about the hijab from your parents inspiring you to put it on or on the news from a hijabi hate crime, we all eventually come to terms with it. We all have different encounters and convictions but at the end of the day it is important to embark on your hijab journey at one point. If you've been drawn to the hijab recently, here are a few tips to consider when you're thinking about wearing the hijab…
Construct a supportive environment
I used the word construct since some of us may not have supportive families when it comes to putting the hijab on. Therefore, choose your friends wisely and be around people who support you and uplift you rather than the opposite.
Follow Hijabis (that align with your hijab goals) online
This was a HUGE help for me before putting on the hijab. Before I converted, I had no idea what to wear (or how to wear) modest clothing with the hijab. After “studying” modest looks, I had less anxiety when it came to wearing modest clothing while still feeling cute. If you aspire to be a niqabi, or not showing your face online, or a khamir girl, then follow hijabi accounts with goals that align. Seeing them on your feed will make you gain a connection to that specific style (and unfollow those that don't align to make the journey easier). Sometimes, we forget how heavily and easily influenced we are to what we see online.

Speak to family and friends
Especially if you have an unsupportive family when it comes to the hijab, take the time to talk to them about putting it on and ask them how they would feel. If they express anger, tell them you live for Allah, not their pleasure, so you must do what is right at the end of the day. Show them the Quran verses, if they're Muslim. Show them the meaning of hijab, if they are non-Muslim. Eventually, the more you share the beauty of hijab with them, they will slowly but surely be understanding. So embrace it to them.
Envision yourself with the hijab and embrace it
The way you wear the hijab the first day you put it on will most likely be completely different from a year or two down the line. It's all about starting, so don't feel the need to be a perfect muslim or hijabi since we all learn through trial and error. Start by wearing it in your room or at the masjid every week. Little steps are key. Eventually you'll have the push from Allah to keep it permanently inshallah.
Acknowledge your fears and overcome them
I've met women who have claimed they feel scared to wear the hijab due to the rising hate crimes against muslims and arabs ever since the Palestinian genocide began. This is completely understandable, but what's more important is knowing that the purpose of Hijab is for Allah swt. If you feel targeted, ask Allah for safety. If you feel ashamed, ask Allah for confidence. For every inconvenience you encounter, you will always be rewarded and it will never be ignored by Allah swt.

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