In the last few years there’s been a movement towards focusing on self-care. But what exactly is self-care? It has often been defined as a wide-ranging scope of activities that increases your mental, physical, and emotional health. So often people focus on improving their diet, their physical health or their mental health. But what about spiritual health? Isn’t that a big component of who we are as Muslims? When we are feeling low iman, faith, there are steps we can take to boost it.
Here are five tips to work on your spiritual self-care:
Attend a Conference or Retreat
A great way to improve your spiritual life is by surrounding yourself with other Muslims who are seeking closeness with the divine. There are so many opportunities across the country (and globally) where one can be in spaces with people of knowledge and like minded Muslims. Qalam institute for example leads retreats on their campus and internationally where people are able to learn about the deen while enjoying the company of like minded community members. There are also regional conferences hosted by organizations like ICNA or MAS that bring thousands of Muslims together for a weekend of Islamic fun. Another great way to reconnect with your Lord and the ummah, is by doing umrah. Umrah gives you access to some of the most sacred sites in Islamic history. It’s a fully immersive experience that can be done in just one week and gives you a big boost to your imaan.
Form a Quran Circle
Sometimes it’s hard to get into the zone of learning. While simply just opening the Quran and engaging in the translation can help you learn directly from Allah, it is sometimes hard to start. But what if you gather some friends on a Sunday and dig into your favorite surahs together? By forming a circle of people who can take turns reading in Arabic and English, you can engage in taddabur, a reflection of the Quran. You don’t need any scholars to do this. Just use the tools you have to ponder on the greatness of your Lord’s words. This can do wonders to your heart and mind.
Listen to Quran
Sometimes when I don’t feel like reading the Quran, I put it on for listening purposes. While Quran is something we can listen to if we are needing to find peace and tranquility. There are so many beautiful recitations of the Quran that you can find on Youtube or even Spotify. I suggest you find a recitation that sends goosebumps down your arms. There are stories of non-Muslims who hear the Quran or even just the adhan being called and automatically their hearts incline towards Islam. The recitation of the Quran is powerful. Make sure to find one that helps shift your energy back to Allah.
Be in Places of Worship
There’s a certain peace that comes from a sacred space. Have you ever tried going to the mosque in between salats or on a random weekday? If you don’t have the money or time to go to umrah, you can just go to your local mosque during a time of day when a lot of people aren’t around. Try bringing your dhikr beads and Quran and spend forty-five minutes engaging in remembrance of Allah. You don’t need to be with other people. You need peace and quiet in a place surrounded by angels. Now, that is a moment of nourishing self-care.

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