Getting married is a beautiful form of worship in Islam as we are able to complete half of our deen. As Muslim women, we are not obliged to be the head of financial responsibilities, but we have the right to work and attain professional careers if we desire. In fact, Islam encourages us to seek higher education and seek out profitable activities. Although weddings and marriage festivities come with plenty of fun, what do you do when it's time to go back to work? How can you balance career and marriage? How should you handle conflicts that arise when your career creates issues in your marriage and family? Let's dive deep and navigate how to balance career and marriage for a strong and healthy relationship.
Set Clear Priorities:
In order to manage your marriage and career simultaneously, we must have priorities while sacrificing everything else when needed. Discuss with your spouse what matters most to you in a marriage such as family time or date nights once a week regardless of the work schedules. Doing so will not only show your respect for each other, but build quality time with each other.
Establish Boundaries:
Boundaries are the foundation for any marriage. Set boundaries around your work hours, personal time, family time, and everything else you feel necessary. Doing so will allow the marriage to fall back on quality time in times of stress.
Support Each Other:
Nothing feels better than your spouse being supportive of your goals and aspirations. So take the time to show your appreciation by sending a thoughtful note or making their lunch for the day. Show interest in their work and ask what challenges them at work. Styling involved in their work life can save marriages in some cases.
Share Household Chores:
Sharing the household responsibilities will reduce the stress and offer balance to any marriage. Instead of one person doing the same chore everyday, do them in rotations while helping each other when needed. Diving chores based on preference and schedules is key to balancing the chores.
Quality over Quantity:
Time goes by quicker than a blink of the eye. Thus, making it more important than ever to spend as much quality time with those you love. When you eat at a restaurant, keep the phones away and be present. Don't let anything distract you except your spouse and show that you care while being attentive. Keep engaging activities alive in your day to day lives and try to avoid talking about work too often.
Relax and Trust in Allah:
After a long tiring day of work, all you want to do is unwind and relax, so include your partner as well. Engage in activities you both enjoy like watching a movie with popcorn or have a spa day at home. Downtime is vital to a happy life and not only reduces work related stress but also strengthens your bond with each other.
Although your career is important, it should never be your number one priority. If you notice your marriage is harder than it may seem due to work conflicts, consider these tips and apply them to your daily lives. At the end of the day, you don't take your career with you to Jannah, but you do take your spouse.

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