Ashura and Its Relevance to Palestine Today

Ashura and Its Relevance to Palestine Today

What is Ashura?

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar, and within this holy month, many Shia Muslims all around the world commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Husayn, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in different ways which took place on the 10th of Muharram, known as Ashura. It is in this month that we must be reminded of the Tragedy of Karbala, the story of Imam Husayn—a story both beautifully inspiring and heartbreaking. A story worth listening to.

The Prophet loved his grandson dearly, giving him the name “Husayn,” which translates to “one of beautiful character.”

“Husayn is from me, and I am from Husayn” - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

And what a beautiful character he did indeed possess. The Prophet (PBUH) knew from Husayn’s birth that he’d be a role model and have the same loving and dignified attributes as the Prophet (PBUH)’s daughter Fatima Az Zahra and her husband Ali ibn Abi Talib.

Husayn’s sacrifices for Islam remain a symbol of courage and strength for Muslims today, making sharing his inspiring story and extracting its lessons so important. His martyrdom is a reminder of the oppression and injustices that continue to afflict our world today. The story of Husayn, grandson of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is for all Muslims, regardless of sect or school of thought.

The Tragedy of Karbala (a short summary)

The Battle of Karbala took place in southern Iraq in the year 61 AH, merely 50 years after the death of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Yazid assumed power of the caliphate during the Umayyad Dynasty after his father Muawiya died. Yazid demanded his allegiance from everyone including Imam Husayn, but when Husayn refused, Yazid gave orders to kill him, his family, and his supporters.

Imam Husayn, after hearing that Yazid intended to kill him wherever he was, sought to avoid bloodshed in Mecca during Hajj, he left early and made his way to Iraq. He contacted his cousin, Muslim ibn Aqeel, to help gather support in Kufa. Initially, Muslim was able to rally 40,000 men. However, Yazid's governor successfully dispersed this support, leaving Husayn with a small group of loyal followers.

The battle took place on the sands of Karbala, Iraq—right by the Euphrates River. Yazid's army was estimated to be 30,000 fully armored men, while Husayn’s group consisted of only 72 men, most of whom were his family members. There are countless narrations of how Imam Husayn and his family were one by one martyred on this day, Ashura. It was indeed a tragedy to fall upon the Muslim ummah, to allow one of the most beloved person to the Prophet (PBUH) and his family to be unjustly massacred on the banks of the Euphrates without any water. Later, the women and children who remained were paraded to Damascus while Imam Husayn’s head was carried on a spear. Husayn’s children, sisters, and loved ones watched as his bloodied head was displayed as a trophy.

Imam Husayn’s Shrine in Karbala, Iraq

Lessons Learned from Karbala’s Events & Its Application to Palestine Today

Imam Husayn and his family remained fearless and brave in times of adversity. Choosing to fight against injustice, against the corrupted, for Islam and its future. Even after Ashura, Zainab, sister of Imam Husayn, spoke out eloquently and spread the story of Karbala to every crevice of the world. The tragedy of Ashura teaches us a lesson:

“Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation.” - Imam Husayn

He was prepared to die for the truth, for his people, for Allah. Husayn’s story is very familiar to us today. Palestinians in Gaza have faced similar challenges—injustice plagues their lands and pollutes their air. They too are dying of hunger and thirst. They too are met with evil.

Lesson 1: Stand up against injustice

The story of Imam Husayn imparts a profound lesson on confronting oppression, maintaining unwavering faith in Allah, and displaying courage in the face of tyranny. The call to stand against injustice resonates uniquely with each of us. For some it entails approaching the situation head on; for others it manifests through persistent advocacy and protests for causes that merit our steadfast support. Regardless, Allah has bestowed upon most of us the opportunity and obligation to stand up and to speak up. Inevitably, There will be individuals who seek to undermine us, to instill fear, but we cannot falter. There will be times where our faith in Allah may waver, but we cannot become hesitant. Subhanallah, even amidst unimaginable atrocities, the people of Gaza turn to Allah and say “Alhamdulillah”. Just as Imam Husayn and his companions stood firm in their faith and persisted in their struggle. For indeed, some battles are worth fighting for.

Lesson 2: Unity is the key

Imam Husayn once called out, “Is there anyone to help us?” yet, his call went unanswered. Today, we hear similar cries from the people of Gaza and Palestine. This time, however, we must unite and respond to their cries. The eradication of corruption and the initiating of true change can only be achieved through the unity of the Muslim ummah. Global powers seek to spread discord among us, understanding that our unity under Allah (SWT) is our greatest strength. We must pray and strive toward a world where our collective unity becomes the driving force of genuine political and socio-economic progress.

“And hold firmly to the rope of Allah, all together, and do not become divided” - Quran Verse 3:103

Lesson 3: Spreading the message

Every year, many Muslims commemorate the tragedy of Karbala, mourning Imam Husayn, and the Prophet (PBUH)’s family. This tradition holds profound significance: retelling stories is the only way we can keep them alive and learn from them. It is the careful preservation of Husayn's story that allows us to delve into its lessons and draw inspiration from his bravery. While we share and remind ourselves of the tragedy of Karbala, we must also keep the stories of Palestine alive. So each year, while we commemorate Imam Husayn and reflect on his life, let us also remember Palestine and its people. They too deserve to have their voices heard. We must ensure that the world never forgets the names of the deceased, we must continue to share their stories, we must be inspired to resist courageously. 

In Palestine, every day is like Ashura.


  • sara on

    omg i love this thank you so much. such a beautiful insight

  • Yalda on

    Mashallah this was so beautifully written. Thank you Zahra for putting this together.

  • Zeinab on

    Masha’Allah!!! Very beautiful written Zahraa. May Allah swt bless you habibati ❤️.

  • Farhana on

    Well written masshallah. May Allah bring many people to to truth and victory to Palestine

  • azmeh on

    beautiful 🤍

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