VELA Girl Tip: Self Care is an Amanah

VELA Girl Tip: Self Care is an Amanah

In the midst of our hectic lives, filled with responsibilities, deadlines, and countless distractions, the concept of self-care is often sidelined. Yet, in the teachings of Islam, self-care is not merely an option or a luxury; it is a profound responsibility entrusted to us by Allah SWT.

In Islamic terminology, 'Amanah' refers to a trust or responsibility. Allah SWT has entrusted each individual with various responsibilities, including the care of oneself. Prophet Muhammad SAW even said, “Indeed, your own self has rights over you” [Abu Dawud]. This encompasses maintaining cleanliness, practising good hygiene, participating in physical activities (such as prayer and fasting), and consuming wholesome and pure food and drink. Therefore, it is understood that regular physical activity, sufficient rest, and a well-balanced diet are crucial aspects of self-care.

In addition to physical health, Islam also places great emphasis on emotional and mental well-being. Body and mind are significantly interconnected, so both must be tended in order for each to thrive. Taking time to be alone and enjoy solitude can have a profound impact on one's well-being, whether it's a peaceful walk in the park, a solo workout session at the gym, or simply running errands independently - choosing to ‘disassociate’ yourself from others does not in any way allude to selfishness. Didn't the Prophet SAW himself chose seclusion and meditating inside the cave of Hira? 

This teaches us that allocating specific moments for repose is crucial in order to detox the heart and mind from Dunya, and re-centering it back on Allah. Not to mention, in moments of seclusion you learn to embrace your own scintillating being. In Quran Surah 4, Verse 29, Allah SWT emphasizes the importance of self-care by warning against self-harm, both physically and mentally, reminding us of His mercy and compassion; "And do not kill yourselves. Indeed, Allah is [to you] ever Merciful". 

However, there is a common misconception that self-care involves splurging on luxurious getaways, but in reality, it encompasses any activity that aids in relaxation and brings joy, whether done alone or with loved ones. Research indicates that engaging in activities that foster self-awareness, self-control, and self-reliance to enhance overall health and well-being is highly beneficial. This could be as simple as taking a walk around the neighborhood with a refreshing iced-coffee, as long as it brings happiness and increases dopamine levels. 

So try to allocate at least an hour or two on the weekend to engage in a physical activity that requires you to stay away from mindless scrolling. Even better, log out from all of your social media for a while, you will see a significant improvement in terms of your mental well-being. 

Another important note is to avoid things that are displeasing to Allah, like filling up your body with toxins of drugs, alcohol and the multitude of harmful substances available at a moment’s notice like vaping and smoking. In Surah 16, Verse 114, Allah strongly stated, “Eat of the lawful and good food which Allah hath provided for you, and thank the bounty of your Lord if it is Him you serve.” 

In conclusion, the Islamic principle of self-care encompasses more than just personal well-being, as it also involves tending to the needs of others and the environment. Self-care in Islam is viewed as a comprehensive approach to nurturing one's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health in order to fulfill one's purpose in life and serve Allah SWT to the best of one's ability—hence why it is referred to as an Amanah. By prioritizing self-care, individuals are better prepared to confront life's trials and discharge their duties with sincerity and excellence. 


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