Culture shapes who we are in such a profound way. It’s more than just something we inherit from our families; it’s a source of comfort and connection, a way to feel at home no matter where we are. For instance, when I am traveling, this idea is often brought out. Even when I’m in a place where my culture isn’t well-known, hearing my native language or encountering something from my heritage immediately allows me to feel grounded. As little of an action as it may pose to be, I often immediately feel safer and more at peace knowing I am not alone in this world and there are others like me. Which is why VELA’s cultural series is so meaningful.
They celebrate the diverse backgrounds of their community members, digging into what their cultures mean to them and why those traditions matter. This isn’t just about showcasing diversity; it’s about empowering young girls to embrace their heritage proudly, especially in a world where we all might sometimes feel pressured to downplay our traditions. By sharing these stories, VELA helps us all appreciate and take pride in our cultural roots, and others.

Even though our cultures are different, there’s a common thread that ties us all together. At VELA, we celebrate this diversity, recognizing that while our practices and traditions may vary, they each bring something beautiful to the table. It’s a way of finding unity in our differences.
For me, being Afghan and Iraqi has been a journey of blending two distinct cultures, each with its own rich traditions. Even if the media doesn’t always portray my background in the best light, my culture has always been a cherished part of my life. My community’s dedication to preserving our customs through vibrant clothing, delicious food, and steadfast traditions has made me appreciate my unique heritage even more. It’s a blend I wouldn’t trade for anything.

I find my confidence in the vibrant colors of my cultural clothing and the rich flavors of our traditional cuisine such as Mantu from my Afghan side or Dolma from my Arab roots. I’m drawn to events and gatherings where I can dress up and celebrate with family who embrace our customs. I always remind my younger cousins and family members that identity is a journey perfectly unique to us but that self-acceptance gives us power. Our culture sets us apart in a way that others often admire and aspire to, making us stand out with a strength and beauty that is truly our own.
One of my favorite beauty secrets from both my cultures is finding bakhoor anywhere, and everywhere. Bakhoor is a constant presence in our home—it's burning in the kitchen, wafting outside, and even infusing our clothes. Stepping out the door without ever needing to worry about applying perfume is one of our greatest little luxuries.
My diverse backgrounds have allowed me to connect with countless other cultures that I might not have encountered otherwise. VELA’s cultural series does exactly that—shining light on a wide array of cultures, including many that might be unfamiliar to us. By doing so, it broadens our understanding and strengthens the universal bond that unites us all, both as a community and as an ummah.

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